Common Car Accident Claim Misconceptions
Car Accident Attorney
Getting into a car accident introduces many hassles and complications. If you are left with devastating injuries after an accident, you probably are facing costly medical expenses, months of treatment and recovery, and other related expenses. It’s important that you understand what exactly to do if you get into an accident, but there are many misconceptions you should know about.
I don’t need to call the police
Some drivers think that calling the police or first responders is not necessary. However, if someone suffers an injury or there is property damage that exceeds a specific amount, then you are legally required to report the accident. As a car accident attorney like one at Ward & Ward Law Firm can explain, it is also a good idea to let the police know so that they can create a report, which can be used as evidence to include in your claim.
I don’t need medical treatment
Be sure to get medical help right away. Many people who have been in an accident refuse medical treatment, or delay it for too long. This can cause any injuries you may have to worsen. Because of adrenaline going through your body, you may not even notice that you have sustained injuries until hours or days later. A doctor will assess your condition so that you can get the treatment that you need. Without a medical record, you may also have a more difficult time proving that you were injured in an accident.
I should accept the first settlement offer
Many people accept the first settlement offer that they see from an insurance company. This is a mistake that you should avoid. Insurance companies are driven by their own interests, and you can’t rely on them to give you the most fair offer. Always let a lawyer examine an offer first before you accept it. They will be able to tell you if it is fair and is enough to cover your full expenses.
If you do not take action quickly, you will end up having to pay all of your expenses off on your one. Don’t delay getting the legal help that you need. With the help of a car accident lawyer like one from Ward & Ward Law Firm, you can recover compensation that can reduce the total cost you have to pay. Contact a reputable car accident attorney now for legal assistance.