Obtaining Proof Of Citizenship

Obtaining Proof Of Citizenship


If you are a legal immigrant to the U.S. who lawfully obtained citizenship, you may benefit from the assistance of an immigration lawyer in obtaining proof of citizenship. Having proof of citizenship can be critical should you wish to temporarily leave the U.S. and have the right to return. It is also often necessary when seeking employment, loans, school applications, and much more. It can be a frustrating process to obtain proof of citizenship, which is why many persons seek the assistance of a lawyer. 

Helpful Tips

  • If you were born on what is considered U.S. soil (such as in America, on U.S. military grounds, or a U.S. territory abroad or outside the U.S.) then you should have been issued a birth certificate by the state’s government where you were born. A U.S. birth certificate is your proof of U.S. citizenship.
  • If you were not born on U.S. soil but were naturalized in this country, you should have been issued a naturalization certificate which can be used for proof of citizenship.
  • If you were born outside the U.S. and not on U.S. soil, but you have a parent who is a citizen of the U.S., you have a right to obtain U.S. citizenship. However, in the interim, you will not have a birth certificate or a naturalization certificate. An immigration lawyer can guide you through the process of applying for either a certificate of citizenship or a U.S. passport, either of which will provide you with proof of citizenship.

Reach out to an immigration lawyer from a law firm like Law Group of Iowa for assistance with citizenship and other immigration-related issues. 

Consular Registration of Birth Abroad

U.S. citizens who give birth to a child while outside the U.S. and not on U.S. soil have five years in which to register their child’s birth with the closest U.S. consulate. Once this is done, that U.S. consulate will issue the parent(s) a Consular Registration of Birth Abroad for the child. This certificate will provide proof of the child’s U.S. citizenship. Because the document is not replaceable, it’s critical that it is kept safe. If the child is not registered with the U.S. consulate before their 5th birthday, they will not be eligible to receive one. Should this occur, or should the Consular Registration certificate be lost, the parent or adult child must apply for a U.S. passport or a certificate of citizenship in order to obtain proof of their U.S. citizenship.