Professional Versus Diy At-home Teeth Whitening
Personal Injury Lawyers
The can-do spirit of the DIY movement is inspiring. DIY stands for “do it yourself.” People who embrace a DIY attitude perceive problems as challenges that can be solved if only they learn something new and put that knowledge into practice. For example, say that your gutters need to be cleaned. You’ve never cleaned gutters before and you know that you could both damage your home and risk a serious fall off of a ladder if this task isn’t accomplished in a certain way, as personal injury lawyers well know. Instead of calling a reputable gutter cleaning service, you research the task at hand extensively until you feel confident that you can do the job justice yourself without an undue risk of harm to your body and your property.
DIY approaches to various challenges in life may potentially save can-do individuals a great deal of money. These savings – and the sense of accomplishment that comes from a job well done – are two of the primary motivations that compel people to embrace DIY solutions. Yet, for all the benefits that DIY approaches can provide, a DIY solution is not the best option for every situation. In fact, a DIY approach under certain circumstances can lead to disastrous, irreversible results.
DIY Teeth Whitening Products
An excellent example of a “don’t DIY” situation involves teeth whitening. There are a number of toothpastes on the market that make whitening claims and it is generally safe to utilize these products if you so desire. Their formulas simply facilitate the removal of very temporary staining, like the yellowing that can occur when an individual drinks their morning coffee.
However, more intensive over-the-counter teeth whitening products should generally be avoided. Teeth whitening products are technically categorized as Class I medical devices. As such, they are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration. As a result, the claims that teeth whitening manufacturers make are not evaluated for accuracy, nor are the chemicals present in these products scrutinized for safety.
Due to this reality, consumers are at real risk for long-term effects from these products, even if they like the results that they receive initially. DIY users of products containing talc have been learning this lesson about unregulated products in ways that are unimaginable. You shouldn’t take the risk of long-term harm in an effort to save a little money and avoid a trip to the cosmetic dentist.
Professional Teeth Whitening Services
As an experienced cosmetic dentist can confirm, dentists are held to the same kind of professional standards that lawyers, physicians, architects, and financial professionals are. If dentists don’t provide their patients with a level of care that is standard within their profession, they can be sued if that patient experiences harm as a result of substandard care.
What this means for professional teeth whitening services is that although dentists cannot guarantee the results of treatment, if they employ substandard approaches, their career, business, and reputation could be on the line. In short, you’re far more likely to experience a safe whitening experience when visiting a cosmetic dentist than you are with a DIY approach.