Understanding Payday Laws
When you go to work, you expect to receive proper payment. If your boss is either not paying you on time, or not paying you the appropriate wage amount, what can you do? Most states have implemented payday laws that govern how often businesses must pay employees. If you live in a state that has these kinds of laws on the books, you may be able to take action against your company if they fail to pay you accordingly. Take a closer look at how payday laws generally work.
Pay Frequency
Most states created laws that govern how often employees get paid. Not only that, but businesses in these states must inform everyone working for them of the state laws regarding these payday requirements. Most state-mandated payday schedules dictate workers should get paid monthly, semimonthly, weekly, or biweekly.
Pay Rate
The federal government has set the minimum wage at $7.25 for employees covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act. If your company or industry does not have to abide by this rate, you will be paid no less than $5.15. Each state can set its own minimum wage, and if your position is not exempt, you should be paid the higher of either the federal amount or the state amount. If you find that your paychecks are falling short of this, you should confirm your set wage amount with human resources.
Late Wages
Getting a late paycheck once may not set you back too far, but if it keeps happening, it may create a significant hardship for you. If your company is not paying you as dictated under your state laws, there are some steps you can take. First, you should submit a request to your employer in writing. Remain professional and ask for all back pay. Include the amount and the dates covered.
If you do not get a response, you may need to escalate your claim to the labor agency in your state. Filing a civil suit in small claims court may also spur your employer to remit payment instead of having to pay court costs and attorney’s fees.
Hard work requires payment. When it comes to standing up for yourself and demanding the money an employer owes, you may want to consider hiring an ally who can advocate on your behalf. A lawyer, like a business law lawyer from Theus Law Offices, is someone who may not only understand how your state laws work, but can also guide you towards a swift and amicable resolution.