
Can You Sue For Airbags Not Deploying?

In short, the answer always depends on the individual facts of the case.  Generally, an airbag deployment failure is conditioned on a collision. The airbag has nothing to do with the collision; the airbag in your vehicle doesn’t run a stop light or drive the...


The Severity Of A Motorcycle Accident

For a number of people, riding a motorcycle is a recreational activity that gives enthusiasts the opportunity to enjoy the open road and take their mind off the stressors of everyday life. Unfortunately, riding a motorcycle can carry a stigma when it comes to the...


Soft Tissue Injuries After Car Crash

The majority of those who get behind the wheel understand the importance of driving safely. The other smaller percent of people may drive recklessly without a care in the world for the potential consequences. A driver may speed, swerve, race or otherwise operate the vehicle...


How Store Owners Can Prevent Slip & Falls

Those who enjoy browsing the isles of stores may wonder what would happen if they were to slip and fall while shopping. Customers should have a clean and debri-free shopping experience. If even a small puddle or object is in the walkway of a store,...


Find A Chiropractor For Your Car Crash Injuries

Immediately following a car crash, it can be hugely beneficial to find a chiropractor as part of your treatment plan towards recovery. When we are involved in such a stressful, sudden event like a car accident, our bodies tend to respond by sending our system...


Expanding Transgender And Lgbtq+ Rights In The Workplace

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act protects people from discrimination at work based on their identity, including race and sex, as a discrimination lawyer  can attest. In addition, more federal circuit courts are recognizing identities relating to sexual and gender identity as protected identities...


What Can I Be Compensated For After An Accident?

The first thing to understand about these incidents is that most car crashes are not “accidents.”  Once this point becomes clear, it is easier to understand the compensation available. Typically, an “accident” is something that is inevitable and unavoidable.  The word didn’t appear in a legal...


Basic Workers’ Compensation Information

If you were injured at work, you could be dealing with a number of complicated problems as a result. Depending on the severity of your injury, the impact from a work related injury could be long lasting. Throughout treatment and recovery, you will want to...